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What if your doc says it's not candida-HELP PLEASE! (3lac?)
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Published: 22 y

What if your doc says it's not candida-HELP PLEASE! (3lac?)

I had tests done and showed an 8 for IgM antibodies on a scale of 0-10 and a 7 for IgG. So, the doc says there's nothing w/me candida-wise and won't help (I'm w/in the normal range). Does anyone know about this test - I'm desperate. Been sick 5 years, nausea, sore throats, congestion, fatigue, sore joints, depression, and on and on. But, no one will help me. I did try some probiotics and white stuff came out of my BM's, the doc says it's just mucus or from a virus, and he says he should know because he's worked w/candida patients before. Help - should I try more on my own - has any one thought they had it, but the blood tests didn't definitively show it so you couldn't get help. My adrenals are also low, and my DHEA is that of an 80 year old woman - I'm 40. Need advice, desperate. He's making me think I don't know what I'm talking about - wish I had proof of my candida (at least that's what I think it is). Had every other test under the sun. Also had an ASO test come back at 399, scale 0-199. That means I've had serious strep infection, which yes, I've had strep over and over again. He says I tend to be hypoglycemia too which could make me nauseaous. Can't all this be a vicious cycle started from candida? Are there any other tests? Help!!! Thanks. Thinking about trying 3lac as a last resort - from experience does anyknow know if it helps w/these conditions?


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