Re: What if your doc says it's not candida-HELP PLEASE! (3lac?)
Probably it is not lack of probiotics only but lack of stomack acids to digest proteins and fats, so they do not go undigested into the blood stream and along with other debri.
I took 3lac, intetinew, and everything under the sky for leaky gut and nothing worked until I started this protocol:
What helped me:
Gargles with Hydrogen Peroxide or Peroxil. Kill accumulated old bacteria in mouth and throat and leaves a clean fresh breath.
Probiotic and enzymes compuound
B6 vitamine (pyridoxine hydrochloride)
Now I am going to add B2, since I read that it helps B6 to digest proteins and fats better.
According to people who know if food is not well digested proteins and fats go into the blodstream along with fecal matters that make the body smell bad.
Avoid soy proteins (my body smelled worse when I went to fast food chains since the food is full of soy proteins that worsened the problem. I am still afraid of soy protein and still read labels.
Try it:
Very inexpensive and very effective.