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Re: Threelac I still have a few cans!!
  Views: 1,889
Published: 22 y
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Re: Threelac I still have a few cans!!

Well it is a company that you have to join (became a member) to buy your products cheaper.

Most of us only became members to purchase our Threelac for $49.95 a can verses retail of $65.00 a can.

When you find a great product like Threelac and a good company like Global you tell others about it expecally after you are healed from the products.

If others want to join its nice when they join under the person who shared the information or turned them onto the product.

But I know that people do not like the multilevel type marketing so I have been buying the product for instant this time for myself my son and a friend. I received my order last week now I have 10 cans left that I am willing to sell to anyone who would like to pay wholesale without becoming a member of global health.

One thing about Globals products are you can purchase them in a health food store too. Our local health food store can not keep Threelac in stock!!!

Anyway I hope this help out.
MLM : Multi Level marketing
Many companies are going to this kind of selling.It seems to be companies that have very good products..

I hope this helps..


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