Hi Guys,
Sorry not trying to push anything here this post is only to anyone taking Threelac now or that wants to start I have a few cans left I am selling for wholesale price of $50.00 plus shipping. No tax.
I also have the Hydro***** Plus too.
I am going to order Dr Shulze products for myself and about 9 others from curezone at 40% off no tax and only shipping from my home to yours. I am not making a penny off Dr Schulzes product there are some of us just wanting to pay less and if your order is over 400.00 you get for 40% off. So if anyone is interested I am planning on placeing the order on Monday afternoon.
Now that my candida is gone I am really excited about working on my colon and trying Dr Schulze formulas.Anyone with any experience with his products I would love to hear from you.
Also you guys should really take a look at info at thedoctorwithin.com go to the journey inside your colon itis very good info that might help you.