I got my Kaolin at Cedarvale.com for $3.00 per lb. It lasts a long, long time, too!
I do the mask in the morning and then just wash it off in the shower like it was soap. My skin has been better than ever! I'm really glowing. And my face doesn't feel like an oil spill by 1:00 p.m. like it used to! We are all conditioned to think we have to use soap on our face to get it clean, but I have found that clay works much better. Who would have thought that "dirt" can get you clean???
P.S. You may be able to find the Kaolin cheaper someplace else. This was the first place I looked to buy it and I bought it on a whim quite a while ago and never took the time to use it. Man, do I regret my procrastination now! A couple of months ago, my skin was looking so terrible I literally hated to be seen (which is very difficult considering I live with my husband, son and mother...ugh!)