Re: Retin -A
I'm glad to hear that your skin is clearing up! That is great. However, what I have read about Retin-A is that it thins the skin a lot and makes it very, very susceptible to permanent damage from UV rays of the sun. I'm sure your doctor told you this, and that you should stay out of the sun. In my opinion, anything that has side effects that include the words "permanent damage" is worth steering clear of, especially if there are safer, more healthy alternatives. I am quite convinced about the fact that the FDA approves dangerous chemicals for use on and in the human body based mainly on how much $ the chemical manufacturer stands to gain from the approval (and how much payola they provide to the FDA). Thin skin does not have to be a trade off for no pimples. Thin skin almost always means wrinkles later in life. If your skin is peeling off, it is because layers of the epidermis have been destroyed. Anything that kills layers of your skin has got to be harmful, in my opinion. And anything that forces you to avoid the sun can't be healthy, because your body needs sunlight to manufacture Vitamin D (and who wants to live like a mole, anyway?)!
If you take the time to educate yourself about natural, herbal therapies you will never regret it. And there is the happy side effect of learning how to cure other maladies you or your friends/family may have now or experience in the future! I encourage everyone I know to take back control over their own health care. I also believe that Mother Nature has provided us with all we need to live long and healthy lives if we "get in touch with her". The benefits go beyond clearer skin, for sure.
I don't mean to rain on your parade, because I know you must be very happy that your skin is clearing up, but I personally wouldn't encourage the use of any pharmaceutical when there are so many healthy, natural and inexpensive alternatives.
Good Luck and Good Health!