I went in for my first colonic on Friday and had a great experience. It wasn't all great, but I felt much better afterwards. The practitioner said she felt like it went really well and i got all kinds of stuff out! afterwards i swear that my belly has reduced in size (it was always pretty distended) and i no longer feel so much pressure on my bladder! wow, these are all great things.
anyway, now i feel renewed and want to keep my colon healthy! so far i have had no bms since the colonic, and i have been eating a LOT, so i feel like it is just filling up with crap!! anyone have any advice? maybe it just takes a little while to go again since it got cleaned out.
i am going off the p&bs for a little while as i wasn't "going" much at all without enemas, and trying to schedule my day around them was driving me crazy! lol..