Re: Please Advise, should I stop the cleanse?
I am sorry you are experienced that but I think is normal.
I have had a horrible
Depression doing my bowel cleanse.
I felt very sad, with lack of motivation, nothing had meaning.
I am sure that it is a effect from cleansing. Removing all the toxins from the body has this effect.
What I did: I cried. I tried to find comfort in my spiritual life, praying, reading good books. I also have the support form wonderful people here at curezone, especially Tracey, Raider and Alikat. (They are wonderful friends).
Additionally I have done several
Liver Flushes according to
Andreas Moritz 's protocol, in order to free emotions form the liver.
I am still in the battle but I can see improvement in my general health.
Bowel cleanse involve a lot of emotional work.
Please love yourself. I used to pamper myself with Castor oil packs and a lot of rest.
Bowel Cleanse is worthy. I feel much better form my constipation, I can eat without digestion problems, I have more energy and I can study better.
I hope you feel better..