Re: Circumcision
i have just spent the last few hours reading every single message in this forum
i have been truly fascinated and enlightened by a lot of the messages that deal with the emotional and medical trauma circumcision has caused for a lot of people
i welcome more information on this subject especially foreskin restoration from people that are informed and obviously compassionate
conversely i am appalled and disgusted by the messages from idiots such as yourself shiner12
this is a forum for health is it not?
what possible goals do your inane dribblings achieve?
if someone is suffering because of circumcision then do something to help
the moral ethical and religous arguments are irrelevant
and if we are made in gods own image then why are we cutting bits off?
and if its for vanity tie a bow round it
and if its for cleanliness teach and learn how to clean it
if its a health issue which it clearly is for a lot of people including myself then any one in their right mind should want to be as informed about it as possible
if there is a practice that causes harm to some others with out being neccesary
then we should be trying to change that behavior
i would not wish the agony and distress ive been through as a child and an adult on any one on the planet
if that is not a view you share i fail to see why you would want to write on a health forum
what is your purpose or goal i'd love to know