I decided not to have my son circumsised when he was born, I was worried about what my mother would say for some reason. When I told her she just said "we aren't Jewish so why would you?". Then went on to tell me that my father isn't nor is my brother and neither of them have ever had any problems. As my father said as long as he is taught how to keep it clean, there will be no problems. I read up on cleaning the foreskin and when he was old enough I taught him how to do it - my husband (circumsised) couldn't have done this, some things aren't discussed. His nephew needed it done at 8 years old, because as my MIL said my SIL saw touching his penis as being dirty so he was never taught how to clean it properly. My son is 10 next month and if I remind him to clean his penis in the shower, he says "yep, already done it".
When I had him a friend of mine was working in the same hospital, I asked her what it involved - when she told me I was shocked. There was no way I was putting my baby through that. I thought of it as abusive too.