Re: How about intact elderly?
I have 7 unc'd boys, ranging in age from 11months-16yo. I'm sold, obviously. I just wish I had the ammo to convince others.
The horrid picture painted of the elderly with infection and pain(and this is the only argument I've heard recently) against the perfect picture of the baby sleeping through the c'd.... And yes, actually some do sleep or at least do not show signs of stress!While others are obviously traumatized... but the perspective parent is told that they've never seen a baby that does more than a slight whimper, then goes back to sleep. They are told that the baby doesn't have the nerves that an adult has, that the only thing that could possibly upset the baby during this procedure is being held still... being messed with...etc.
My dd was convinced to c'd her sons, at the last moment for the last baby. I was broken hearted, but she swears that her babies did not seem, in any way, traumatized. She is a natural parent, is very conscientious. If she can be convinced...