External funding for religious shrines
I just read about some Muslim mosques in Canada where the funding is coming from Saudia Arabia. There is concern that there are fundamentalists advocating an al-Queda agenda behind this money. Extremist and militant views are being imported with this funding.
Terrorism can start anywhere due to money coming from foriegn places to an immigrant community, money with a message and a political agenda.
HERE is one curious example:
External funding for religious shrines was needed due to the sparse community of recent immigrants. Resources were not plentyfull as the immigrants aare getting set up, busy building homes and getting started earning an income.
Then an offer to construct a building for them to worship in came from far away. This gift was a godsend, so to speak. It rallied the whole community around the project.
There was a few directives with the money, how the building was to be built and used, and which sect of the religion would be practised there. Within that sect were sometimes some practitioners who favoured certain political ambitions, loosely couched in religious doctrine. There was lots of money when they were around.
This group then proceeded to bring a crude biological weapon to the area, and they intended to infect the people who were outside their group with this crude bio-weapon.
It was not the religion itself, or even the buildings built for it, it was the practitioners who derived direction and a unified community to carry out it's agenda. The "house of worship" that brought the funding helped to define that community.
It was a good way to identify those who were not part of their religion, as they were not in church.
These outsiders were about to get a shock.
They had never before been subject to biological terrorism.
Disease struck hard and fast, very few of them had any immunity to this agent of death. It wiped out more than half of them , forever destroying a large part of their culture and genetic pool, and they could no longer hold onto their lands as they had for centuries. Adminstering to the dead and dying that could not be cared for by their own sickened community were the religious foriegners who brought the illness. The terrorists.
Their warriors were of no use against this unseen enemy.
I am talking about the way Canada's natives were given smallpox in 1850. The blankets with smallpox on them came from a hospital where smallpox was raging, where the blanket's previous owner had died of smallpox.
It was done under the nose of the church, and in no small way it was funded thru the church's political connections. The practitioners were the perpetrators, with the Priests themselves bringing the infected blankets from the hospitals to give to the Indians.
the end
Well, I thought it was a cute comparison to the Mosque funding furore.