18 y
Re: feeling aweful after starting makers diet
I did not have those exact symptoms when I started (I've been on it about a month and a half now), but I did feel sick in the beginning--and I didn't have any major health problems, my diet was OK, etc going into it. Most, I felt really nauseous for about 3-5 days. It does go away!!! Everything I'm sure you've read about this diet is changes the way your whole body feels for the better. If you stick with it, I'm positive you'll see the results and this "detox" period will subside. As a side note, I would highly recommend the cookbook Rubin references quite a bit, Nourishing Traditions. It explains a lot of the dietary aspects of eating this way, has great recipes, and will help to get your body in a state of more normal digestion. But to answer your question, while I did not have those symptoms, I know it is normal to go through a detox period, which can be rough. I would say if it lasts more than 5 days (maybe a week?) or so, maybe then talk to a doctor, but three days seems normal to me, based on my experience.