Garrett: Hi, Thanks for resonpding to my messages about acne. It does seem like we're in the same boat. I'm 28 and have had it basically my whole life (well, since abotu 11). I haven't done the Liver Flush yet but am getting so frustrated I am about to try it. My husband has done it 2 times for his Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I figure if he can, so can I! Anyway, I was offline for awhile but now I'm back and it would be interesting to hear how things are going for you. As for the Hallelujah diet, I've heard a lot about it and it doesn't seem to fit my food "belief systems" (ie. what the body needs to be healthy) but it may be worth trying if all else fails. I also started using natural facial products instead of chemicals, which factors into why my skin is really bad right now. Oh well, there's always hope!