Re: ps
know the cause? depends entirely on the skill and knowlege of the practitioner. in conventional medicine its easier to generalize as you must adhere to the standard of care... so, generally recomended treatments are fairly well known.
re the
Conspiracy theory, you appear to conform to the stereotype. prove me wrong.
here is another example for you. do you were glasses doc? as much school as you claim to have sat through (and as boring as it probably was) i would guess you are nearsighted, but I could be wrong.
I am nearsighted. As i got into natural health, one of my teachers suggested to me that i could recover my vision without surgery. I wasn't sure, but I checked it out. Seems that about a hundred years ago and MD came up with a method to restore eyesight. A brilliant man, who the mainstream had to put with as he made important discoveries, including adrenaline. But, he died in obscurity, as did his method (Bates). In fact several studies have proved the method to have no effect (sound familiar?). In short, my health kick, combined with practicing the bates mathod has cut my prescription in half, and i expect my vision to be normal in another year, maybe sooner. And by the way, my eyeball has changed shape, and continues to do so.
I of course know you will discound this, but, are you not even curious as to how or why this happens, or why conventional medicine says its not possible? Most docs just dismiss it as impossible, but here I am seeing better wondering, what is wrong with these people? why can't they open their eyes? after awhile, i realize it doesn't matter.
john g