Re: my story and possible healthful hints : ))
Hi Alex
About PMS--the few days (maybe 3-4) before I start my period I can barely eat anything without my headed feeling tight, feeling shaking inside, more intense pains wherever they may be that day, ect. Even more sensitive to smells also. I'm usually pretty careful with my diet but on those days it's organic carrots,
Celery w/peanut butter, apples, plain meat and hardly much else. Just to let ya know, I"ve never been diagnosed with MCS and I know I have a hormonal imbalance, my homeopathic Dr. told me so. He gave me a supplement to take but I couldn't tolerate it. He still believes there is a psychology reason why I can't take it but we haven't got there yet. One thing at a time.
AFter so many yrs of frustration trying to fix the physical, I decided to try and fix the mental, emotional, and spiritual part of myself. This is where I've made some progress. I do journal also. I do an exercise that tells ya to pose a question to yourself like---What is this awful feeling I have? Or why does this particular person bother me so bad? any question that ya want to find an answer to----Just start writing fast whatever comes to your mind. don't worrry if ya repeat things, don't worry about spelling ect. Keep going until ya feel done. It's best to do this where it's quiet wo/distractions. I"ve actually come up w/answers this way.
How did I get MCS? don't know if that's what I have but in l999 I went off my anti-depressant and had a severe reaction. To me it was severe anyway. It started with pains and the worst fatigue.
Eventually the allergy thing set it and got worse and worse. I do know some of my problem is emotional toxicity though. Who knows, maybe most of it.
I don't take any supplments anymore--just try to eat good.
Anyway, I know I could handle life a lot better if my hormones were balanced. (I"m 44) I"m sitting here with bad cramps and that's my sign that I can eat again thank goodness---until next month.