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Re: If there is NO Haven or Hell ...
tabi Views: 1,658
Published: 20 y
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Re: If there is NO Haven or Hell ...

You given the answer.. but may be by mistake.

You are right, If there is no purpose to love God/Jesus, why would we? The whole chaos of religion is on purpose. That is why i wanted to hear.

I didnt say that is there is no God, i asked, that if there is no heavn or hell or any kind punishment then will you still love jesus.. and you said.. no.. this is what i wantsed to ask. The love which you PRETEND towards jesus or God, if you look inside you, you will know it all comes from your fear. If there is no fear, why will anyone love to god or jesus.

Those who are cristian, says that if you dont follow jesus, God will punish you. You ask muslim they will say if you dont follow Muhammd, you will be punished. Ask Hindus, they have more than 10 million gods and godesses, they have same logic.. so the thing is.. if you dont follow jesus, you know you will be punished and loving jesus is your helplessness.. nothing else. You can give millions of reason why you love jesus.. but none of your answer will satisfy even to yourself if you can see yourself truly. We stop seeing within us because we know that a bit doubt can put us in haven.. so it is better to keep praising jesus and keep praising god and support eachother's faith because we know deep down it has nothing.. you are praising in voide, because deep down you relly dont know WHAT THE TRUTH IS.

My question was for the people who are below 30 years of age.. I didnt ask this question to the women who are more thn 45 years of old and they are used to of loving jesus and loving god. I wanted to ask this from people who have just begun their journey of life. Only they can be rebelious and only they have the power to see.

The more old you get the more junk your collect in your heart and mind in the name of religion. I can understand your problem if you are old enough because if you drop this fear, you will feel like someone has taken your clothes and in this age it is difficult for you to be naked.

So for old women and men i would like to say that.. Keep loving jesus and god without asking any reason from yourself.. and those who are young enough.. need to explore. because Faith is for blind people. if you are not blind then you need to experience GOD. Don't faith just because your grand mother is doing so. Because at the end God can ask you what did you do in your life? did i send you just because to follow others, like dog and sheep?



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