"Wether you believe in hell or not is not the issue here, for all of you ready to pounce on me. I'm addressing the person who said God will punish and send to hell....etc.,. First of all, God came in the form of Jesus to *save* us from hell, a place that was NOT created for humans. We, and only we, send ourselves to hell, get that???? God has made the way for us to avoid that, and in that sense, we love Him that He rescued us from our own self-inflicted fate, not His ill-will."
This my friends, is moron logic.
If your god character was so good, and if he was really your father and creator and all that, you wouldn't need to love him and accept him in order to be saved. He'd not let anyone go to hell. He'd not care for their beleifs, he'd save everyone. Especially since he doesn't even have to make an effort for it (do you even understand the concept of all powerfullness? it means he could do it by snapping his fingers). If he was so good and if he was pure love as you guys say, he'd save EVERY single person, make no mistake about that.
I mean if I had that power, I would, because I'm a kind and loving person. But he doesn't? That makes me kinder than him.
Ok I hear you already, "so you'd let people go unpunished!!" My answer to that is no. Nobody would HAVE to be punished because nobody would do anything bad. A perfect god that has infinite power can create a perfect creation easily, without making any mistake. The only reason why he wouldn't (and this is the case for your stupid god character) is to sit back and watch everybody suffer. Let's face it, he's all knowing, so he would have known about the snake in advance and worked on his creation to make it perfect (and as I said, it couldve been done only by snapping his fingers).
This thing is, a father who cares for his children will not let them do anything they want if he knows it's gonna bring consequences that they won't like. So the god character is a very bad god.
"We love Him for all of His attributes, and I need not list them here, but they can be readily found."
Yeah, like cruelty, evilness, greed, jealousy, hypocrisy, etc...? Face it the bible lies when it says god is perfect and he is pure love. This ugly book contradicts itself on every page.
Tabi is a very smart person and he is 100% right. Religion uses fear to keep it's victims. This is the only reason why the church CREATED teh concept of heaven and hell. Tabi congratulation for your great thread. Too bad those guys are too brainwashed to realize their foolishness even after that. They'll never see the light no matter how much logic and common sense you throw at them.
But hey at least you tried.