21 y
Re: Interesting...NOT!
So your also here to bash Islam, how nice- join in theres plenty for everyone...
You all are completely missing the point- Marriage in islam is just- you wouldnt know because maybe you dont know any muslim marriages- ive seen hundreds and they are basically healthy- and neither husband nor wife had been with anyone else. ( no they were not arranged marriages where the woman has no say, or the man has no say) The woman chooses her husband in islam. This in itself creates intimate trust and love in the couple. Marriage is not something taken lightly, its a deep commitment.
Some christain marriages are like this- but the main stream- high school scene, kids are having kids, drugs abuse, alcoloh abuse its overwhelming. Some christian groups, mormans and other pro homeschooling groups are great, Ive seen them they are devoted to each other. But please understand, the information you think you know all about Islam is coming from a biased point of view and one that hold hatred in the heart for islam relgion, and you also may have this hatred, Ive seen so many attacks and trust me- we arnt attacking your religion, stip attacking and twisting ours.
Thoses links are lies mixed in with truth- its getting old. If you want sound islamic knowledge then look it up your self- if you dont then the garbage you are spreading is just that garbage- i dont want it, neither should you.