Those particular sins that you have mentioned: mischief making; being a treacherous ingrate; pride; prodigal rejection of God;
I do them all daily. As sure the sun rises up each day; mischief, treachery, pride, and rejecion of God's love rises up inside of me.
At the end of the day, those sins gather on me like burdens that would certainly yoke me to an eternal hell... But in the last hour...God warmly lets me rest beneath his wing.
But hell is misinterpreted and mis-represented in Christian scriptures in my opinion. A hell that I can believe in could be a type of santification before we stand before God. Like washing our feet before standing on Holy ground. If this sanctification is hell though, it is certainly not a painful experience.And if this sanctification is hell then it is like taking off layers of heavy clothing after walking from a cold winter day into a warm room. What is left after removing our heavy clothing is still us but it is a much lighter version of us.