20 y
Re: Prayer request: third wave or no wave?
Me here :-)
I can see where both of you are right. :-)
Trapper's into the wilderness experience. Look at how many of God's chosen leaders, including Christ Himself, had wilderness experiences. Just the man and his God, gettin' down to brass tacks, doin' the work that needs to get done. Sometimes we need to get alone with God. A lot of us probably don't spend much time with God alone, and we certainly don't take off large blocks of time to seek His face and His heart.
But then, there is the sweet encouragement that comes from being together with other believers. Iron sharpens iron. A brother/sister can see straight through me to my sin and call me on the carpet for it, while I remain blind as a bat to it. When he calls me on it, I can receive the rebuke with grace, repent of it, and hopefully be free. We can share tips on how to do the stuff during the week. One may teach another. Maybe there's a good debate- not to call each other names, but to learn from each other. We can hold each other up when we are discouraged and want to quit the faith or leave our spouses or lie to get more income. We can pray for the sick. We can be each others' servant & laugh & cry with each other. We can get radical and decide to do exactly what the Bible says, and know there are other folks out there that feel the same way we do and will help us along the way.
Both are needed. Both are important. Jesus had times alone with the Father, Pass this cup from me, then times with just His disciples when he was really teaching/training them, Who do you say that I am?, and times when He ministered to multitudes of people, And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain. And when He was set, He called His disciples and taught them, saying: "Blessed are those..."