20 y
What is necessary to enter into heaven?
Different levels of faith in a marriage?
I'm a new christian sort of speak. When I was younger I was asked to say the sinners prayer and ask God to come into my heart. Back then I was led to believe that if I "believed" that Jesus was the son of God and died on the cross for my sins that I would go to heaven when I died. Now after reading the words of Christ I feel that it is so much more than that, that I must love God above all with all my heart, mind, and soul and that if I truly love and believe in God and Christ that it will be evident in my works here on earth. Now for me to have a life that pleases God I will need to get to know him better through reading the word/bible for I do not see how I can truly love him without knowing him and seeking/praising him. Through his word I will develop more faith and begin to love him with all my heart. At this point I think maybe if I died tomorrow I would not go to heaven because I dont have this kind of love for him and still have some unforgivness in my heart (that needs more faith/love to get rid of) and I do not regularly put God first in my daily life. But I know that I want a relationship with God and I am working hard on it, and will succeed.
But I worry about my husband who seems to read the bible and go to Chruch only as an insurance policy or safety net. I know he believes in Christ/God and know that he prays sincerely but he does not yearn to know Christ better and to love God with all of his heart. In fact he claims he already does. Yet he doesnt talk about God or do anything outside of Sunday church (although does say prayer before dinner and bed). He reads the bible for about 10-20 minutes a day but only because I have somewhat demanded that he become more of a Christian for our family. He worrys about becoming too Christian now that I have banned television/cable and radio from our home (we were addicted). He seems to think that going to church on Sunday and reading the bible for so many minutes a day is being a good christian (Catholic background by the way).
I fear that the closer I get to God the farther I will get from my marriage.
How do I proceed? I know that I will choose my relationship with God over my marriage but it breaks my heart that my husband does not feel the same way about loving God as I do. How can we read the same words of Christ and see things so differently? My husband believes that all we need to do to be "Christian" is to be "good" people. I believe that we must develope a personal relationship with God and develop stronger faith, that we are required to grow and do more. He see's religion as a gift to make our lives better and more at peace/comfortable.
Can someone help me see things clearly? I feel like I am at a fork in the road.