If God is as hard on my brethren as you think He is, I don't want to live with Him forever. No matter what you think of your husband or how much better than him you think you are, nobody can do anything to improve someone else's spiritual relationship. A lot of people will claim to have some extra insight into spiritual 'doctoring' and have some kind of spiritual 'prescriptions', but they are only "puffed up" and would not even have the right to think His name if it weren't for God's grace. Love covers (can overlook) a multitude of sins. It doesn't sound like you're willing to OVERLOOK his 'sins' (discrepancies, shortcomings, flaws, etc.). If your husband was in the gladiator arena, what would be your motion,...thumbs up or thumbs down? THIS IS THE MOMENT OF TRUTH (oh, by the way, do you know who the truth is?......John 14:6). The Holy Ghost will teach God's children more and more about true love every day IF we choose to be good students, NOT of the Body, not of the elders, not of the church, not of scholars, not of pastors, but of The Lord's spirit and are attentive to The Lord in our personal relationship (HE IS A JEALOUS GOD, of course He will entertain your marriage because He wants you to be happy), but I'm talking about the SPIRITUAL relationship, He covets that and wants us to do the same. Because of our freewill, He leaves that up to us, but I can't help but think that we tend to grieve The Holy Spirit when we don't.
If you think I got off topic, I didn't, I am illustrating that love is love no matter if it is on earth or in heaven. There are NO types (agape, philos, eros, storge, these are types of RELATIONSHIPS). The teaching that there are types of love is a completely misguided teaching, one that the god of confusion wants to be popular because he doesn't want us to properly understand what love is. WHY?...because
God is.....LOVE.
The god of confusion also wants us to think that 'sin' is what we avoid inorder to be in God's grace (and completely disregard the suffering caused by the consequences of even the smallest evil, lest we grasp the concept of COMPASSION). Technically, misspelling a word is a 'sin' (against the law of perfection in the milky way galaxy or something, who cares), and if I have misspelled any words here, I trust that you will cover (overlook, disregard) my multitude of 'sin'. You can do the same for your husband and 'stand in the gap' (be his advocate the way that The Lord is ours).
So what I'm saying is that
and I can't imagine that The Lord would ever get any pleasure of pitting your relationship with your husband against your relationship with Him (I don't even know if it's possible because He gave you your husband, HOLY matrimony, marriage is an illustration of The Lord's relationship to the BRIDE of Christ).
But also that 'sin' has NOTHING (in scripture and reality) to do with the NEW Testament Christian (we only choose to inflict it on each other and ourselves). You may CHOOSE to see the flaws in yourself and your husband now, but when you learn more of LOVE (God), you will be as The Lord wants His Body to be...
our past erased, our present blessed, our future assured, death has lost it's sting. If it weren't for The Holy Spirit, I could and would walk this earth like a king (we are sons of The King, royalty, a royal preisthood).
It SHOULD take the power of The Holy Spirit to teach a Christian humility.
God bless you.