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True Believer vs. Not
califlady Views: 1,638
Published: 20 y
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True Believer vs. Not

Trapper this question is very important and bothers many. I know several that seem to really believe they are saved. They go to church, read their Bible, do Bible study, do work for the needy and on and on...then they live as they please saying they have liberty. But, the point here is that they 100% believe they are saved. I wonder how can they be saved when committing adultery? or steal from work, time wise, or etc. etc... I had a neighbor like this one time and her husband called her "a church angel and a home devil" ooooooooh!

I have a relative that I would say is saved but he has little or no assurance of salvation because he works with loads of people like those mentioned above and he says if those people really think they are saved and are so fooled how can he know for sure. And the more he works with "christians" that live in all manner of sin the more he wonders how one can really tell. Please don't tell me about the witness of the Holy Spirit and so on. This man has heard it all from some of the greatest pastors, etc. My realtive does tend to have a judgemental spirit and I suspect he uses that on himself....? well maybe?

My point....For me my walk tells my story, saved or not.



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