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Re: Christianity and Cleansing

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

trapper/kcmo Views: 2,447
Published: 20 y
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Re: Christianity and Cleansing

then you should read the word more carefully.

we are to have faith. period.

perhaps you could survey yourself and see if it is god you are listening to or man. you know the doctrines of men take away the effect of the commandments of god and prevent people from obeying.

what commandment of christ have you obeyed today?

and as far as faith goes, look at peter. he had faith and walked on water. as soon as he looked down he disbelieved and began to sink. if it was jesus making it possible for him to walk on water, then why did he sink when he looked down?

do not marvel at the things jesus did. he said we can do the same things, even greater things. faith is so powerful that if you have it, even a little bit of it, you can move mountains. jesus didnt say that it was faith in him, he said it was faith. preachers exclude this kind of talk from their sermons because they dont anyone in their congregation to be more powerful than they are, and they cant do it.


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