Just give it a try with an open heart. You are completely wrong about them. The Word says seek first the Kigdom of God and all these other things shall be added unto you. If you seek first the kingdom of God, then God will give you all the other THINGS. God is a good God, and He wants His children to be blessed in this world and have a good life. And it is alot better to have money, than to not have money. And how can we spread the gospel without money. They have airplanes and TV stations to spread the gospel. You need lots of money to spread the gospel. They give to the kingdom of God to spread the gospel and it is given unto them. That is in the Word of God and God don't lie. It works! Give and it shall be given unto you. Just listen to it, I'll bet it will change your life for the better! Just remember God is all Good. The LOVE OF money is the root of all evil, not money.