Re: Are You Ready?
Hi Cali !
That was actually cut and pasted from the article I referred to in the URL. Nevertheless, I agree with the statement:
There are so many things that we should do to prepare and be ready. Above all, we should have an ear to hear what the Spirit says to the ecclessia (called out ones, not 'churches', per say).
Jesus said over and over that we were to have ears to hear. That is important beyond anything else. That means that we want TRUTH beyond denominationalism, beyond patriotism, beyond nationalism, beyond programs and mission statements in our religious movements.
We are headed for a one world government, one world monetary system and one world church. One cannot implicitly trust any of the shepherds at the top of the heap or even in the pulpits. There is a lot going on that I won't elaborate on here in this post, but the ones that will overcome will be the remnant that know who they are in Messiah and do not bow the knee to anyone or anything else.
The broad road leads to destruction.
The narrow road leads unto life (few find it)
Do a word search on the word, "remnant" and do a study on it. There is a remnant that endures way into the book of Revelation. Danel said "Blessed is he who makes it unto the one thousand three hundred and ?? day" (can't remember the exact # off the top of my head).
There is so much I could say on that topic, but desiring truth above all else and having a heart that will receive it directly from the Holy Spirit is the most important thing. We have to stop cutting out portions of pages out of the scriptures or bounce over them because they seem foreign to our denominational bent.
There are Satanists who pastor Christian churches and write Christian songs. Witches sit in congregations all over with the intent to stir up chaos, division and strife amongst the brethren. Homosexuals and pedophiles actually rule the nations and lead in the congregations. It is much more rampant than one would think.
MIND CONTROL is the order of the day. Both social psychological manipulation of the masses as well as trauma-based mind control of individuals. You cannot understand the level of depravity and manipulation and complicity these world leaders and false shepherds are capable of. always, there are promises to His people! He has said it and He will perform it! We can be like Daniel and Joseph in the midst of it all! Or, we may be martyred like Stephen. But we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony...and we love not our life unto the death!!!
That, just for starters....
blessings and shalom, cherie