Re: Obelisk - Baal pole - (message moved up by mod)
This thread was moved up by the moderator, I guess - but the previous post followed this one re: someone's question about the Baal pole/obelisk.
I'm copying this again here -
Yes, here is a website article that speaks exactly of this - and how Freemasonic architects of our nation's capitol intentionally designed the city with occultic symbols. (Paris is also set up with the same type of elaborate design):
Occultists the world over believe that, once a symbol is created, it acquires power of its own, and more power is generated when such symbol(s) are created without the profane [uninitiated] knowing about it. And, the greatest power of all is created in the symbol(s) if the uninitiated NEVER discover that the symbol exists. In this article, we shall demonstrate positive proofs of
Conspiracy to achieve the ends of Freemasonry, i.e., achieving the New World Order. And, these proofs exist right under your eyes, in Washington, D.C., the Capital district. Prepare for the unexpected. Before you read this article, you might want to go to a map store to buy a street map of Washington, D.C.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!