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Re: Need Help Getting A Grip On My Feelings
MentalNomad Views: 1,500
Published: 20 y
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Re: Need Help Getting A Grip On My Feelings

That is such a hard situation to work in, time heals all things so hopefully soon the gossip and low morale will decease. Try to be a light of Jesus in this situation--and that includes not listening to the gossip and trying restore good morale as best as the Lord leads you. Jesus understands our emotions, that they are part of our soul. Pray for the Comfort of the Holy Spirt to give you God's peace that passeth all understanding that you might be able to come through this situation with Victory in Him. It is such a wonderful thing that I see you praying for all those involved, prayer moves mountains and God is hearing and mindful of every prayer. He is mindful of you and how you feel, and I pray that with Him you can feel better emotionally and not be in so much turmoil in your soul.

As to your friends bribery I am reminded of what my grandpa used to always say "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see." This isn't from the Bible but I have found it to be true in so many instances. What you hear could be true, it could be half true, or it could be entirely untrue and you never know which it is. I would just pray for that individual, that if they did do it that the Holy Spirit would bring conviction and they might make it right. Ultimately it is between them and God, just pray God's will over that persons life.

God bless you and sending much love in Jesus name, Caitlin Lorraine


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