Re: Why - seeking other opinions and answers!
Christian Greetings 40663!
I liked your response to this question.
First you mentioned they kept the Sabbath (Saturday)(part of the ten Commandments), then Pope Constantine merged the two days the Sabbath with Sunday. Sunday was the day of the worship to the Sun god. As it became harder to keep the true Sabbath due to being hunted down and killed. We had a group of true keepers though as Scripture tells in Revelation 12:14 "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent." these were known as the Waldenses and also the Huguenots.
I must say though, as for scripture I believe that there is more than enough history to establish the fact that God has always had ONE True church. I believe that God uses His church as a focal point which others have been attracted to. God is a God of order and structure, and to simply have thousands of little churches with people going their own ways and doing their "own thing" is not in harmony with either the new or old testament.
We must remember that we are in the church not for the other people although there is some responsibility there, but primarily to worship God. Generally are church service is dead or not what we think it should be do to our own pride and other short comings. You see we think often that we have learned all there is to learn and often when the preacher is preaching we turn off and stop listening. It is amazing what you can learn when you think there is nothing in the message to learn if we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. We can not obtain the fruits of the spirit until we start living by faith! When we start going to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, when He abides in you then it is that all the rest will be given.
Just my thought!