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Saturday or Sunday?
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Saturday or Sunday?

I'd love to hear others' thoughts on this. Thanks for the above links. I'll study them when I have time.

As the Lord draws me closer to Him, I'm reminded lately to observe and obey the 10 Commandments. #4 is to keep the Sabbath, for it is holy. For the Hebrew, this was Saturday, and Friday was (and still is) the Day of Preparation. Sunday is the first day of the week.

Most evengelical Christians say Sunday is the Sabbath (if they say it at all), or that it doesn't matter what day it is, as long as you observe the Sabbath (which "no one" does anymore since the Blue Laws days). Church is on Sunday morning (and night). Sunday afternoon is supposed to be for R&R(which is the way our family does it currently).

Wouldn't you love a whole full day's rest, like the Israelis do it now? But the Israelis take Fridays off (well, the mothers do) to clean the house, cook, and prepare for the Sabbath meal on Friday night. The extended family gets together for the meal- usually at grandmas. Friends and other guests share the meal. It's "Company Night." They stay up late by American standards and sleep in on Saturday morning. Then everyone heads for the beach or park with a basket of fruit, cheese, sandwiches and the like. Families get together and play. Late in the afternoon they go home, eat dinner, and get ready for the next day. The Israeli family we know say some of the ultra-conservative Jews go to the Temple to pray on Saturdays, but it's not a church service like we have in churches in America. It's a come and go thing. Most families just go to temple on Friday nights, if even that, in their regular work or school clothes. Many jobs in Israel have a four day work week. It's 10 hours long, instead of the typical eight in America.

What would you have to do, personally, to take all of Saturday off? No cleaning, no cooking, no working, no yard work, no grocery shopping? And to keep others from having to serve you on Saturday, you wouldn't go to another workplace or order pizza or anything?

Many prayers and blessings,


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