Christian Greetings Eileen45,
Yes, I to love the Sabbath. I am so amazed how many people call Sunday the first day of the week Sabbath which even the pagans know is not the Sabbath. The Lord gave us this beautiful day to communion with him. Orginiated in Genesis 2:2 on to Exodus 20:8-11 and goes through the entire Bible. Some say that the Lord changed it to another day or Peter or one of the apostles, but we know this not to be true Hebrews 4:1-11. The Sabbath according to the Lord is to start on Friday at sundown and goes until Saturday at Sundown,Leviticus 23:32. What peace we often forfit by not observing the Sabbath. What Blessings and rest for the mind is gained on this sacred day. I hope all study this special subject, which most will call a Jewish day, but no jews were around in Genesis 2:2.
Eileen the Sabbath is the most wonderful day of the week! The seventh day! The day to rejuvenate ourseleves for the rest of the week.
For those not afraid to search for truth, I put a couple links in.