Re: Please Pray for me! Extreme medical history and abuse!
My mother has nearly the same issues. Her knees are ready for replacement, and she has been on heavy medications for years. She works out in a gym to the best of her ability.
Walking around has helped me today too. I got the chance to talk out all my worries with my brother-in-law, and with my mother in-law. It has very much helped, because they are believing christians too.
I must walk every day. I see that now. It helps so much to see the sun! I was inside your 2 days and nights on those tranquilizers. It's not helping my fever or well-being to do that. Now I can simply relax, do what I want at night, and relax whenever I feel like it. My husband has vacumned and dusted around the obvious places, and it was wonderful to come home. He has been nervously advising me about self-control and restting, checking up on my every 2 hours. I needed it, but his anxiety didn't help much. Now he is having a good chat with his brother. How wonderful to see them talk! Hubby is often very annoyed with his brother, but it is still only good.
Forgive your father! do it, no matter how much it hurts, and tell him that you do. I did that with my mother two years ago, and now she is a born-again christian, and my sister as well. My sister has long-term memory problems, but she remembers every word that is important to her. She is in college now, and leaning heavily on my mother and I for support. I email my mom at least once every few months, and it is an answer to life-long prayer -
That my mother would one day in heaven finally understand how I felt about her. I didn't care if she died back then. I was so angry. It tore up my insides and I gnashed my teeth in my sleep.
My grandmother on my father's side took care of me as much as she could. She is still not a christian. She has just now had knee surgery on both of her knees. Please pray for her! I have gotten so much insight into food, health, tooth-brushing, face-washing, bathing, and self-care from her, that I owe her a great deal. She believes that maybe we are all reincarnated or something like that, and that her good deeds may earn her heaven. Please, please pray for her! My mother is close to her, but time ticks away.
By the way, here are some alternatives to toothpaste, deoderant, shaving nicks, and rashes:
Toothpaste: Baking Soda (natron) - wet your toothbrush and dip it in the baking soda. Brush your teeth with it. It cleans your gums, disinfects, scrubs away plaque, tastes great, and doesn't mottle (discolor) your teeth. It works almost exactly like toothpaste - but there's no foaming addative.
Deoderant: Baking powder/soda (best) or Talcum powder (baby powder) - There are no additives, the powder disinfects any nicks you may have from shaving your armpits. And, it is hypoallergenic.
Shaving Nicks: Natron/baking powder- I used it just this morning after my shower. Boy, did my nick ever hurt, but it went away after +/-15 minutes. It's the same as shaving alcohol, without the addatives, perfumes, or other troubles.
Rashes: Natron/Baking powder or rubbing alcohol/hydrogen peroxide - disinfects the wound/skin problem, keeps it dry and fresh, and hurts only a little while.
Whew! That's all I can think of. I learned all that from my mother's post-WW2 farming family.