I use ear candles in my therapy practice, and my clients have experienced benefits. Another therapist told me that she and her husband experimented with burning candles that had not been placed in ears and achieved the same sort of results (powder and waxy earwax-looking substance). I am not saying that earwax is unaffected, only asking if anyone else has tried the same experiment and what results they get. I'm too mean to burn a perfectly good, expensive Biosun ear candle to try this experiment and was hoping some of you would do this for me :). I have found that ear candling can improve hearing, relieve sinus pressure and soothe allergy. It is also very relaxing. I quite like the idea that the treatment is gentle and that we are not pulling huge amounts of earwax out of the ear. Earwax is there for a purpose and removing large amounts of it can lead to producing large amounts of it - you don't want to end up in this kind of cycle. There isn't a strong suction in ear candling, by the way. there is a very gentle warming and altering of the pressure around the ear drum. Cheers, Jane