What minority deception are you talking about?
My results are real, and I've always experienced the benefits of this fast each time I've done it.
I'm sure you're having an uncomfortable detox. My first few days were rough too. Don't get discouraged.
I might suggest trying enemas instead of the swf. I didn't fare well on the swf, and I found my weight was at a standstill and I wasn't getting the results I was expecting...I wonder if there was some water retention due to the salt, but who knows. As soon as I started doing the enemas, I felt much much better, and haven't had major problems since.
Your bowel functions are supposed to slow down on a fast...there's no food to egg the peristalsis on. That's why the swf or enemas/colonics are so important.
I once did an eleven day fast where I was doing enemas for the first three days and then didn't feel like it anymore. By the seventh day, I was bed-ridden and had no idea why. I finally went for a
colonic and found I had a lot of crap in there that wasn't coming out...as a result, I was reabsorbing the toxins and it was making me sick. Amazingly, within half an hour of the treatment, I felt alive and perfectly healthy; energetic, in fact. I was strong, my belly and head pains were gone, and I felt great. A massive change. Now I will never be so foolish as to avoid enemas during a fast.
The positive benefits of this fast are amazing. See my day 21 entry for my list of personal results so far.
Do you think so many people could lie about the effects they're experiencing? Your statement about deception offends me.
If you want help, ask for it. Don't accuse us of leading you on.
Otherwise, if you think it's all lies, then quit and move on.