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Re: Splenda
SqueakyClean Views: 5,735
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 390,824

Re: Splenda

I just looked at that website ( and I don't think it's a really reliable source. From the look of those articles and the people doing the writing, they are all "traditional" thinkers, aka MD's who prescribe drugs and nutritionists of the ilk that prepare "balanced" food for hospitals and nursing homes (Hamburger and soggy green beans washed down with skim milk, anyone?). Not into alternative health and quite frequently against it (or at least thinking those things don't work).
You can probably learn a few tidbits here and there from this site but I wouldn't really trust most opinions coming from there.

Made from sugar? You gotta start somewhere for every toxic concoction, I suppose. "Made from" means ISN'T ANYMORE. One or two little molecules can change a LOT.
Besides, who here thinks that regular Sugar (sucrose) is that healthy? Not many! We avoid that, too. That's a funny thought, really - "It's made from sugar, so it's safe" - HA! AS IF Sugar were safe! Good one!
Given the choice, though, I'll still take Sugar over molecularly altered "sugar" aka sucralose.


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