Re: Splenda
splenda is a chemical. sure, it is derived from sugar, but in order for the molicules to stick together, it is put through a chemical (even in
Science is a big gap) but is only two or three molicules different than that of thanks, i will pass.
the other misinformative issues on "fake" sugar, is that they will actually make the dieter crave carbohydrates, and there for beat the purpose to begin with.
I have not yet met a skinny person who opts to pour this powdered poison in their drinks...not to mention HOT drinks...which is basically formaldahyde over certain a certain degree of heat.
stevia is the safest alternative out there and is derived naturally from a root.
there are to date no known side effects and the people abroad have been using it for centuries.
i would also like to point out that i fell for the splenda craze until i looked it up and did some comparisons...and i only did so, after my best friends coworkers daughter ended up in the emergency room...some sort of intestinal issue and was very ill. When asked what she was doing different, they ran a lab or two and lo and behold, pointed to the splenda.
i think i will pass and just indulge in a little white
Sugar here and there....with my stevia as the main deal.