Hi r7.....
If it were me, I would try another bulking agent, ie: psyllium seed or psyllium husk, with the addition of Bentonite clay. Also, after I did a colon/bowel cleanse, I still had fullness/bloating. I did a clear, warm-water (not hot!) enema (3 days), followed by coffee enema (3 days). This flushed out remaining putrefied (dead, decaying) matter, and relieved my bloating/fullness. It may also flush out parasites if you have them still in there. In addition, you may want to introduce FOS (live culture) to re-established both transient and colonizing friendly flora back into your system, and after a week or so on that, begin with live-culture acidophilus. The FOS will allow the acidophilus to thrive and do their job better. I hope this is of some help, and best wishes for you results.