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--are you "SURE" you know what you are talking about???--
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Published: 19 y
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--are you "SURE" you know what you are talking about???--


You seem to feel real sure your answers are all correct?

And you do have some Basic understanding of chemistry, "BUT", you Lack in complete understanding!

You said, Quote: There is no electrical energy being created. It is just a simple acid-base reaction that a grade 8 learns about in Science class. End of Quote!

So the question for you is, do you even know what a conductivity meter tests for when it is used to test as a Sol-u-bridge test of a liquid, as the above test may test for?

Are you even aware of a tester called a Sol-u-bridge, which tests the conductivity of liquids?

Yes, it does check the Total Disolved Solids (TDS), but it also checks the ERGS ( Energy Released per Gram of Soil per Second), which is the measurement of Electrical Energy released from the material which one may be testing!

The different kinds of TDS in the liquid solution may determine the Electrical Energy Released!

For you may have only one kind of TDS in a solution and recieve just a reading of this,which may not Create any Electrical Energy of and by it's self,and may very well just act as a conductor, but when you add an opposing type of TDS, then you may Create a different reading, which may be an Electrical Energy Release and a Sol-u-bridge may record this Electrical Energy Release!

Smile Tis your choice.



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