18 y
Re: minerals filterd out of maple syrup/not real maple syrup!
grade B in general is from later in the season, the minerals more concentrated.
flavour more intense...closer in time to the tree flowering too, which adds
an unknown dimension.
As with so much, the grading system works in reverse of what you'd reasonably expect.
The lighter the colour, (just like with refined, bleached, denatured flour, let's not mention people) the more "desirable" it's said to be to/by your average consumer.
That's what you call efficent mind-control!
Where I used to buy syrup from the locals around here, all the old farmers would tell you grade A was garbage, if you actually wanted to know. They kept the dark stuff out of sight. If you asked them for it, they'd break into big toothles grins -they were really old guys- and even maybe give you a maple
Sugar maple leaf.