You'll have to decide for yourself if you believe the practitioner you are seeing is doing NAET correctly, and you need to read the book to know (you should also have and use the workbook). You can see the practitioner's experience and training on the NAET web site, but it can be confusing. If you have a choice between an an accupuncturist (LAc) and another practitioner, I'd recommend the accupuncturist. I did NAET initially with a chiropractor, and then with a an accupuncturist several years later when I had a bit of a relapse, and I can say that I did nearly every substance in 1 treatment with the LAc, while with the DC it often took 2-3 treatments. None the less, I had before and after allergy tests when treated by the DC (administered by my MD), and went from being alergic to dozens of substances to well under a dozen using that method. My 6 worst alergens were reduced from off the scale high to very high or moderate, and most of the others were gone or weak.