Bee pollen can lessen the need to
drink alcohol or use drugs.
Please go to the Ask Curezone Community forum,
and read my post of July 4th about the healing
powers of bee pollen. It was given an R/N.
A spoonful of bee pollen every day, may well
lessen your desire for addictive mood-changers. Read my post, and then decide whether you want to try it.
I'm a recovered alcoholic (29 years today),
who was fortunate enough to be able to stop
cold-turkey. I've never had even a small
desire for booze. I've been eating bee pollen
for 10 years, although I only found out about
its anti-addiction properties very recently.
Nevertheless, bee pollen has helped me stay
in excellent health, at an age (65) when so
many of my peers are coming apart.
Check out my post, and then decide for yourself.