Hi Critter
I have recently been following your posts on this website. I have had peeling of my lower lip for years now. I have all the same symptoms you and others have mentioned. I have a constant cycle of my lower lip peeling. I always get the white layers of skin after eating and drinking any fluids. I have tried a bunch of different creams and lotions to help soothe the tightness and peeling but have had no luck in finding a cure. One thing that helps is i apply a lotion called udderly smooth on my lips when i go to bed at night and it makes them more bearable during the day but in no way a cure. During the day i apply calendula ointment. I recently started taking a b vitamin complex from someones suggestion on this page but have not gotten any results. I noticed you recently started taking different vitamins and might be getting good results. I really hope you read this message and give us a second update to let us know if it is working. I Was wondering maybe we can all try to figure out a cure together, for example if the vitamin regimen you are tring now does not work maybe you can suggest something different that i can try on myself. Kind of like overgrown guinea pigs.LOL. Either way i think we should definetly start some type of support group (maybe yahoo groups) to keep track of different ideas. Hope to hear from you soon! Here is my email if anyone wants to talk Userjor1643@aol.com