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Re: Response to Wee_Man_Chan_from_Japan's post
critter Views: 4,331
Published: 20 y
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Re: Response to Wee_Man_Chan_from_Japan's post


For starters i agree, we need to get one site, dedicated soley to this condition. We need to get all the information on this issue sorted. We need case studies by people who actually have this problem, and we need to follow people who have been healed/cured of this skin condition. If you get something up and running i would definitley contribute.

As for the dermatologists/doctors/dentists, i'm sure you have gone through the hell of trying to explain this condition to them. 90% of the time they don't even understand what you are trying to tell them, the other 10% don't take the condition seriously or don't have any suggestions. if i hear one more dermatologist suggest using a steroid to me for this condition im gonna scream.

You are right about the research efforts. I do believe they could easily find out what triggers this condition in people and how to cure it. Money is the ultimate factor. Are there enough people suffering from this condition in the world where they will make the money back spent on research and then also profit from the cure. It's hard to say just how many people are actually suffering from this condition. We know it's not like the common cold ;) . If we can prove there is a large enough population suffering from this condition we might possibly be able to persuade some doctors into researching the disorder thoroughly. My fear is that there aren't enough people suffering from this condition to make that happen though :/

Personally, i have never meant another person who has this problem. Then again, I haven't exactly been looking either. I'm afraid for now we are going to have to be our own doctors on this issue. Continue to follow my posts and i will let you know how my experiment is going. I plan on giving a major update on saturday or sunday to recap the first week.



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