First and foremost, let me give some background information... If you don't have the time to read this then you probably aren't comitted to finding a real cure for yourself.
I suffered from moderate
Acne from age 11 'til about 19. I have always had "bad skin" and mildly dry facial skin. At around the age of 16 I noticed my lips started to chap often. It's hard to say what specifically could have caused this. I was on
Acne medication at the time (and no, it was NOT accutane). While i wasn't one to be continuously out in the sun, I do have light skin, which means when I was in the sun I often got BURNT badly. It's possilbe that might have started this condition as well. I also had a pretty bad diet at the time as well (fast food galore). It's possible the condition was triggered by some sort of nutritional problem... the bottom line is there are so many possible triggers and variables involved with this condition it's not worth trying to single out what could have caused it for yourself.
It's hard to remember specifically how bad the condition was when it started because it was such a slow progression (atleast for me). I started using chapstick at first to keep the lips moisturized but after a while that didn't work.
Once I hit the age of 19 I noticed my lips began to peel fairly regularly, and not just chap anymore. The condition seemed to be progressing with age. My once very social life was becoming very surpressed. I stopped going out. I started drinking alcohol - A LOT - as that was the only time I was truly able to relax and not worry about my lips when I did go out.
I am now 21. My lips are much like the cycle that blessed1 described in his post. I go through about one day of SEMI-normalcy with them, followed by about 3 or 4 days of chapping and peeling of the layers. They get particularly bad after I eat or drink. Often times when I get them wet they get a white filmy type of build up which I then have to peel off so it does not look so ridiculous.
I also want to point out that with my condition, the peeling only happens in particular places, it's NOT the entire area of the lips. On my top lip, the area that peels is in the exact middle between the left and right halves. As for the bottom, if you were to cut the bottom lip in to 4 equal pieces... a top half, bottom half, left and right.... the areas that peel on my lower lip are the top left and right halves.
I use to think it was the entire lip peeling because I wasn't closely examining it.
These findings only left me with more questions; is it perhaps a dental problem since the areas that are peeling are closer to my mouth, or is it something else? The thoughts, and public phobia that we go through with this condition are not comprehensible by those who do not suffer. Since this condition is on our face, it makes communication (one of the most important things we do as humans) nearly impossible without feeling like crap.
So, now that you have some background information on my case, you can make a choice right now whether to continue reading this post or not. If my symptoms sound similar at all to your condition I encourage you to follow the post.
So after trying nearly every type of lip balm, moisturizer, elimination diet, toothpaste, you name it; I had nearly given up hope. Blessed1 left a post about a month ago that I just recently read, which has given me new hope to deal with this problem. Through the use of a few specific supplements, a moisturizer, and drinking plenty of water blessed1 was able to cure (or atleast surpress) his condition. It was a sign that something can truly be done about this for all of us suffering.
The only problem I found with his post is that it was very vague on details. After trying nearly everything on the market, I wanted to know the EXACT supplements he was taking, right down to the brand name to eliminate any an all unncessary variables. I wanted to know how long it took for them to heal, if they still peel at all, side effects, and if after you are healed do you need to continue with the supplements. Since he hasn't posted again since his last message (40 something days ago) I decided to do my own experiment with the plan that worked successfully for him, and I encourage you guys to follow along with me. Either read my updates, or do the EXACT program I am doing. If you do try anything else, and I mean even change one variable... please start your discussion under a new post...
Below is a list of the specific products i am using, along with the dosage.
Every few days i will give an update on how the condition is improving, staying the same, or getting worse.
GNC MULTI - Solotron - the essential multivitamin - 30mg B-complex
it has the NutraSeal freshness coating
and is the one-per-day forumla
it comes with 90 Tablets / and includes 34 Ingredients
GNC Natural Brand - Evening Primrose Oil - 500mg / 90 Softgel Capsules
GNC - Fish Body Oils with GLA - Enteric Coated, Cholesterol-Free
1000mg / 90 Softgel Capsules and is "Deodorized"
Neutrogena Lip Moisturizer with PABA-free sunblock protection SPF 15
Use this moisturizer liberally throughout the day whenever your lips feel dry. I have found it to be the best balm/moisturizer i have used (and as you can imagine, i have used quite a few with this condition)
8 Glasses of water a day, spaced throughout the day. no exceptions.
(sorry guys 8 in a row at night right before bed doesn't count)
Positive Attitude.
Perhaps this is the most important key to success in recovery of our condition. If you think positively, believe you will heal, and don't DWELL on your lips I believe it will help in the healing process. Just remember, our condition sucks, but we could have 10,000 other worse things wrong with us.
I have started this plan on April 11, 2005 and I will continue to update you guys every few days with new posts. If you have questions don't hesitate to post. Good luck to anyone trying this with me! Let's pray this is the solution to our problems.