hello, i think i have exactly what you had and iv been suffering from it for 3 years now. from what you described your lips to look like is identical to mine. 3 years ago my lips got chapped and i peeled the skin of them and i couldnt ever get them to heal back normally. each time i get them wet like after taking a shower or so, they turn a whiteish soggy color and it comes off easily and when i keep them dry they get kind of hard and eventually they will kind of look scabby somewhat. i dont know how to let them heal. iv gone to a few dermitologists and hes prescribed me with some creams and nothings really been working and now hes telling me i should go to a some guy who can help me control myself from peeling them. i guess i have an OCD thing but i dont think thats completely the case because if i knew how they heal i would defintly try it but i dont. yesterday i was reading up on your entry and you said ur doctor prescribed you Lamprene. I read up on it and it said its used to cure leprosy. so i was a bit confused about that but if it cured ur lips them maybe it will help me. im going to the deritologist again soon and im gonna show him ur entry and ask him about it and hopefully he will give it a try on me because i also read some side effects of lamprene and i just hope he wont be gay and not let me take it because of those side effects. Your entry has given me hope in actually curing my lips so thank you for writing it. please respond to this and or e-mail it to me at pantsleftdown@yahoo.com