wow pretty tough language from somewone who hasnt a clue a bout how the body works and how energy is transfered and used. Then to quote information from the establishment to support your claim then calling someone an establish parrot at the same time sounds like some personal issue! Is new information that is hard to understand without the basic facts of biochemical Science and berating it is a form of dogma in intself. To understand the reactions that takes place in the body is what alkalizing is all about and to not understand these things and to dismiss it in such a manor is folly ,but its your folly and you are the loser in this situation. I know a lot of the old time poster with visions of gurism feel challenged by this knowledge but dont look a gift horse in the mouth. I suggest you both look into the studies on alkalizing before making such unsupported claims! Sometimes knowledge is to profound to comprehend at first but that is no reason to belittle it! A parrot??? give me a break Kevin! Remember you had your doubts about vitamin c at one time also.