Re: Too much vitamin C??
Hi purplepossom,
Your body is way too acidic!!!!
Also your sodium to potassium ratio is out of balance!!
The Vit C is probably giving you problems because you do not have enough Alkaline Mineral reserves in your body to react against the Vit C to neutralize the Vit C acid!!
If you would take some kind of calcium supplementation along with the Vit C, in high enough amounts of the calcium, so as to be able to react against the acid from the Vit C, then you would probably feel some better.
Now to the problem of your dry skin: Your body is not getting enough organic sodium in ratio to the amount of potassium (smoking causes the body to become very high in potassium) it has been taking in, and this is complicating your dry skin problems!!
To get organic sodium into your body, it is best if you may get it by the foods you eat!! Some foods like Top Quality fresh
Celery is high in organic Sodium, if it is good Quality!!
Another way you may help correct some of your problems is by taking a sit bath in the tub in this mix: Put 2 LBS of
Epsom Salt in as hot of water as you may stand, and add 1
lbs. of Baking Soda and also add 1 pint of hydrogen peroxide.
First you may only want to soak in this for a short time , no more than 15 min, as it will draw the Toxins out of your body. Make sure you have someone to help you get out of the tub,just in case you are not able to, for if you have high toxins in your body you will become very weak as the Toxins are pulled out.
When you get up you need to take a quick cold shower for just enough time to cause you to become cold, and then you may shower with some warm water to warm up again, this will cause your body to change it's pH so you may feel better.
As you have strength to soak longer, you may want to then increase your soak time in this mix and keep the water hot for at least 30 minutes time!! And take a cold shower at the end each time.
But, for a simple way if you do not want to try the tub soak at first, you may start with just a foot soak, which will help your feet and legs greatly:
For the foot soak you need a foot tub big enough to hold your feet and enough hot water to come up above your ankles.
The mix for a foot soak is: one fourth of a LB of
Epsom Salt and one eighth of a LB of Baking Soda and one fourth of a pint of Hydrogen Peroxide, and these add to the foot tub of as hot of water as you may stand!!
Now soak your feet in this at least one time each day til the water gets cold, so at least for 30 minutes!
The foot soak you will find is easy and may provide you great results for bringing better softness back into your legs and remove the dry chaffyness from your legs and ankles!!
If this is what you choose to do first, then as you see the benefit from it , then later on you may want to do the whole body tub soak , so you may help your whole body!!
Smile Tis your choice.