I myself and others I have talked to used ascorbate acid for years , I switched because of all the big to do about alkalinity, but I find i use more and its way more expensive and I always did balance ascorbate with a good mineral supp! I can after all this time not find consistency in these theories and like all citris food that are acidic in nature burn an alkaline ash! Many other little things here and there that do not make this a clear cut and dry theory! Im not making any chiseled in stone decisions about ascorbate acid but I sure dont appreciate those who have made these decisions for others! I have seen studies on both sides and have read whole books that claim the body craves acid substances and that many viris and bacteria benefit from just a slightly over alkaline system!
Like I said I have used AA for years in the past without side effects and although some may not deal well with AA I would say stick with SA but I myself am considering going back to Ascorbic until I see more then just hype about high alkaline preference thats out now because of a book with a treatening title has been placed on the market!