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Try seaweed for your thyroid problems, Mousitsa.

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Owen Views: 3,094
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 375,053

Try seaweed for your thyroid problems, Mousitsa.

Dear Mousitsa,

Thanks for the kind words you directed at Journ and
BamBam and me. I'm happy that your sensitive, articulate self found your way to this forum. I'm sure
that you'll find a way to heal yourself of the various
problems that afflict you.

Instead of taking that thyroid medication, I suggest
you begin eating seaweed on a daily basis. Most thyroid
problems are caused by not enough Iodine in the gland.
Seaweeds like Dulse flakes, Alaria, Wakame, Agar-Agar,
Nori, Kombu Kelp, Hijiki, and Arame are the world's
best food-source of nutritional iodine. The seaweeds
also contain about a hundred minerals and trace elements that are found in the ocean -- and SHOULD be
found in our blood. Your body will easily absorb those minerals, including the needed iodine, from seaweed.

I eat my seaweeds at night, as part of the huge salad
that is my dinner. I alternate 5 of them, but eat Dulse
Flakes and Agar-Agar every night. Your health food store will probably have a small section that contains
bags of dried seaweed. It's not expensive, and a bag
lasts a long time. I transfer the seaweeds to brown
glass jars for storage purposes.

You can also buy a small bottle of Formula II Iosol
Iodine from Dr. Williams, whose phone number I gave
you in my first post. I've been using it for years.
I take 4 drops, every other day. At that rate, the
1 oz bottle lasts a long, long time. It costs about
STORE! It's not the same thing. Be clear on that.

Regarding cleanses: if you're overweight, then you
should do some cleanses. They've not difficult and
not nasty. Start with a bowel cleanse; then do the
liver cleanse. I like Doctor Schulze's colon cleanse
and Andreas Moritz 's liver cleanse. But there are a
lot of good cleanses out there. CZ is a very good place
to learn about internal cleanses.

If you like to read, I'll suggest two wonderful health
books in a future post.

Be at peace, Mousitsa. You're taking your first steps
on the Healing Path. By Christmas, you'll be much
healthier and happier than you are now. Don't doubt that for a moment.




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